
Career Profiles

Schlumberger Careers

Yanghua joined Schlumberger in September 2016 as a software engineer at the Singapore Well Testing Center, attracted by the company’s vision and reputation. After talking with his current manager, he knew it was a team he wanted to be part of. “What inspired me most was the way the company is committed to its clients, constantly delivering value, always ready to support. I am proud to be part of such a team.”

Experiencing teamwork has been enlightening, says Yanghua. “My team affords me brand new ideas and unconditional support.” In one standout experience, he and some colleagues went on a field trip to Texas, where they had a chance to see how their software product was installed and configured in real life. “Being in the field, the situation was challenging and ever-changing, but we were able to overcome the challenges as a team. It was satisfying. We also had a lot of fun chatting and spending time together.”

Having joined the company as a fresh-out graduate, Yanghua’s first few years on the job have been a journey of self-discovery. “I’ve been able to find out my strengths and weaknesses. And the job has allowed me to understand the roles of different people. I used to think one good programmer could make a project a success; now I realize one person is far from enough.”


Yanghua has discovered the value—and fun—of being part of a supportive and inspiring team.

Typically, most of Yanghua’s day is spent writing software for various projects. Currently, that includes software components for an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. Mixed into his daily schedule are team meetings, planning, brainstorming for upcoming projects and “fixing whatever’s broken.” When he joined Schlumberger, Yanghua entered our graduate training program, which introduced him to the company’s business and culture, as well as career development prospects. “I was also given the freedom to choose courses on technical topics pertinent to my job, which was very helpful. As a software engineer, I must pick up new skills and tools all the time. Build, Docker, IoT solutions—whatever the project requires, I’ll dig into it.”

Mentors are part of developing at Schlumberger. “My line manager is the best mentor I can hope for. He places his trust in me by valuing my opinions and giving me abundant opportunity to explore new solutions, to learn and grow. He encourages initiatives and open discussions. He makes me feel supported and empowered.”

So far, Yanghua’s favorite career moment was when a product he had worked on, called the AquaWatcher Surface water salinity sensor, was commercialized. Another was his graduation from the graduate training program. “That marked a major milestone. Such achievements are worth celebrating but I also knew it was just the beginning of a grander voyage that will have endless challenges and opportunities, and boundless ambitions.”